Go Green with GFRC

March 11, 2015

General GFRC Information

Let GFRC Help You Plan a Green Building
The building industry around the world is looking for more ways to “green” structures both in terms of the materials used and the ability of the structure to help the interior structure and application to be more environmentally aware. Helping to pave the way with innovative green building materials is GFRC, also known as glass fiber reinforced concrete. Here’s why GFRC helps to make greener buildings.

An Environmentally Friendly Building Material
There are a number of reasons to use GFRC as an environmentally friendly building material:
• It is made up of stable and inert natural minerals that are not considered pollutants or toxic in nature, which means that it is not polluting the air or water.
• GFRC often uses recycled aggregates, glass fiber, sand and cement in its production.
• Its durability means that there are fewer building projects to restore a structure, which reduces emissions, saves fuel and energy, and minimizes waste.
• Since it can be finished and painted prior to installation, this further reduces air pollution.
• Its lightweight design means easier to transport and fewer trips to the construction site are required.
• Overall, less material by volume is required for construction projects, which means that this is more efficient and not wasteful like traditional building projects.

Statistics and studies also reinforce the idea that GFRC is a green building material, especially when compared to traditional building materials:
• A UK study found that precast concrete had a much greater impact than GFRC.
• GFRC has found to meet standards for large and small missiles, so this level of resistance means that it can last a long time and withstand a lot of environmental impact.
• The material has also achieved certification in many LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) categories. This is the standard now for today’s green building industry as it sets the framework for what is considered truly green. GFRC is highly rated with the LEED certification process for achieving all of the above benefits.

Additionally, the GFRC material helps the inside of the building in many ways as well to also use less energy over time and provide a comfortable environment for its inhabitants. The material is good for insulation purposes, keeping the temperature of the structure regulated so that it is cool in summer and holds the heat in winter. This means less use of artificial heating and cooling. This is also an important aspect of creating a green building.

Learn More about Environmentally-Friendly Solutions with GFRC Architectural Products
Stromberg Architectural can provide you with a free estimate on any type of custom GFRC architectural product that will help you to create a green structure and provide all the above environmentally friendly benefits that lower emissions, reduce natural resource and energy consumption, and create long-lasting structures. To learn more and get assistance on any type of architectural product or construction/remodeling project that can benefit from the use of environmentally friendly GFRC, please fill out our online contact form or contacting our knowledgeable team at 903-454-0904.